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Title: An Evaluation and Comparison of the Various Statistical and Deterministic Techniques for Forecasting the Concsentration of Criteria Air Pollutants
Authors: Mohan, Manju
Kandya, Anurag
Yadav, Manish
Keywords: Statistical Modelling
Deterministic Models
Concentration Prediction
Criteria Pollutants
Model Evaluation
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Series/Report no.: ITFCL030-8
Abstract: A statistical approach is about working through the historical data in a general way and finding guides to future behaviour. In the present study, forecasting of the criteria pollutants has been done using simple statistical techniques and attempt has been made for an inter-comparison of these techniques with various advanced statistical and deterministic techniques. The inter-comparison analysis leads us to the conclusion that there is no single modelling approach which generates optimum results. Considering the uncertainty and unavailability of most of the inputs of deterministic and advance statistical techniques, the methods adopted here are proposed to have great potential for air pollution forecasting.
Description: International Journal of Environment and Pollution Vol. 44 (1 - 4) 2011, Page No. 96-105
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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