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Title: Smart Grid-Energy Policy, Technology & Standards
Authors: Chhaya, Lipi K.
Keywords: Smart Grid
Renewable Energy Resources
Smart Meters
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 4-Apr-2013
Citation: National seminar organised at PDPU Gandhinagar, April 4-5, 2013
Series/Report no.: IDFEC007-9
Abstract: A 'Grid' is a network that carry electricity from the power plants to the consumers. The grid includes wires, substations, transformers, switches etc. The grid is made 'smart' as it can monitor and control the distribution system. Smart Grid is an automated and broadly distributed energy delivery network. It is characterized by bidirectional flow of electricity and information. It is a close loop system for monitoring and response. It is deployed from the point of generation to the point of consumption. Smart Grid network integrate elctrical distribution system with information and communication network. Integration of renewable energy sources can lead to better energy management.There are many definitions of smart grid technology based on functional, technological and benefitial viewpoints. A common element in all the definitions is the application of digital signal processing and ICT to the electrical power grid.The aim is to acheive bidirectional data flow and central information management system for the smart grid. Enormous capabilities result from the highly integrated use of digital technology with electrical power grids.Integration of the new grid information flows into utility processes and systems is one of the major issues in the design of smart grids. Smart meters are the key contributors in the development of smart grid technology. Broadband over power line technology is an another application of smart grid technology. Smart grid technology ensures reliable, improved and advanced energy distribution system with enormous features. Use of renewable energy resourses will lead to reduced carbon footprint and emissions. IEEE has developed over 100 standards for different smart grid applications. Government of India has formed a smart grid energy policy in order to achieve reliability and interoperability. The smart grid policy in India is being developed by collaborative grouping of state and central government. An important decision regarding Smart grid energy policy was taken in 2008 with the implementation of Re-Structured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program (R-APDRP). This programme may take 3 to 5 years for establishment. This paper focuses on indian national energy policy , issues and standards for smart grid technology.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC - IDs

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