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Title: Key Factors Analysis For Retention & Attraction Of Employees
Authors: Bhati, Parul P.
Kumar, Ashok M.
Keywords: Talent Management
Employee Turnover
MBA HRM Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Feb-2013
Publisher: Indian Research Journals
Series/Report no.: IDFGN035-1
Abstract: Talent is generally perceived as an inborn capability of a person. Talent is the capability of a person to do things in a different way. Talent is the reflection of one„s personality. It is a way a person does a thing that distinguishes him or her from others. Talent is the sum of a person„s abilities. Talent is his or her intrinsic gifts, skills, knowledge, experience, intelligence, judgment, attitude, characters and drive. It also includes his or her ability to learn and grow. What distinguishes the high performing companies from the average performing is not better HR processes, but the fundamental belief in the importance of talent. Therefore, each company must understand the specific talent profile that is right for it. Talent management is one of the significant aspects of human resource management function. It is considered as the most challenging task for any organization to attract and retain talent. Today talent management is conceived as the most critical aspect of HR management as it has a direct impact on the organization„s functioning and its competitive position. Therefore, it calls for strategic approach to the entire function of management of talent in an organization. Talent is now a critical driver of corporate performance and that a company„s ability to attract develop and retain talent will be a major competitive advantage far into the future. The primary goal of this research work is to determine the key factors and challenges for attraction and retention of employees in a private & public sector enterprise with particular reference to the Company X & Company Y. Thus zest for the work is must. The subject or the problem selected must involve the researcher and must have an upper most place in his mind so that he/she may undertake all pains needed for the study.We have selected the research problem is Key Factors And Challenges For Attraction And Retention Of Employees.
Description: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review Vol. 2 (2) February, 2013, Page No. 130-146
ISSN: 2319-2836
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, General - IDs

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