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Title: Satellite Grid Resource Management
Authors: Parikh, Jimit
Keywords: Satellite
Resouce Management
Satellite Grid
Computer 2004
Project Report 2004
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Grid Resource Management
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2006
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 04MCE008
Abstract: Grid Computing is viewed as a strong alternative for traditional supercomputers and mainframes. Current grid computing research work mainly focuses on issues, which are related to terrestrial network. No one has addressed merging of satellite communication and grid computing. Concept of grid computing is easily extended in to Satellite base grid computing. Geographically distributed grid connected via satellite link by merging of satellite communication and grid computing. Grid resource manager manages resource of grid, but satellite grid requires management of grid resources as well as satellite resource. Satellite Grid Resource Manager (SGRM), which takes responsibility of effective utilization of the satellite communication resources. In actual, users would be interested to have someone who can take responsibility of communication resource as well as computing resources together. It is also mandatory as to synchronize the availability of the communication resources as well as computing resource to complete the user’s task in defined time and QoS. Hence, we are implementing SGRM, which takes the above responsibility. SGRM facilitate efficient utilization of Satellite Grid resources by collectively managing, brokering computing and satellite communication resources. Advance reservation and negotiation policies help to optimized resources. SGRM design contains registration, reservation, negotiation, and matchmaking components. Resource Manager Framework available for is terrestrial grid is extended for SGRM. Testing and performance evaluation of SGRM with other subsystems is carried out on LAN and actual satellite network.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE

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