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Title: Development Of Software For Design Of Belt Conveyor
Authors: Balaji, Mandlik Kalpesh
Keywords: Mechanical 2006
Project Report 2006
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2006
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2008
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 06MME006
Abstract: Conveyors are being utilized in many industries for haulage of various bulk materials. Its design depends mainly on the space availability, quantity of material to convey, Lift & Span of the contour, etc. It has to be design every time anew to meet the customer specifications. Hence, there is a demand for software that would reduce the design lead time & enable to quote for tenders in time. An attempt is made by using database of various standards such as, IS & GOST to develop a software for the concern purpose. Further, user’s are able to increase the database, which is unique provision provided with this software. It takes the minimum required inputs from the user for the design of the conveyor. The software is coded using C++ & its GUI is done using VC++ .Net platform. Also, a Sketcher module is there to give a 2D - sketch in the *.dxf or *.iges format. The result is compared with the manually solved problem. A through Black Box testing is done for the same. Keywords: Bulk material, Bulk material handling, Flat belt conveyor, Troughed belt conveyor, IS – 4776 (Part – I), IS – 8597, GOST standard.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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