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Title: Dynamic Analysis of Piping Carrying Two Phase Flow
Authors: Patel, Nikunj
Keywords: Mechanical 2006
Project Report 2006
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2006
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2008
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 06MME010
Abstract: This project work includes Static, Dynamic (Slug flow) and Seismic analysis for a given piping system. Model was created as per actual configuration for all these analysis. The static, thermal and dynamic stresses of the piping system were obtained in different applied load cases. In static analysis wind load was also considered due to high elevation. Maximum supports loads were found after performing all static and dynamic analysis for their design. In the dynamic analysis the first, second and third natural frequencies of system were found at 2.96 Hz, 4.29 Hz and 5.06Hz which were found close excitation frequency of slug 2.64 Hz, 2.97 Hz and 5.27 Hz. So to avoid detrimental effect resonance system first natural frequency was set above 8 Hz. Seismic analysis was carried out as project location belongs to seismic zone IV. In seismic analysis comparative study of seismic analysis for piping system was done. It was found that standard method gives conservative results. The effort was made to make the structure safe even during earthquake, as it gives higher loads on supports.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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