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Title: Design and Development of Transformer Inverter using Buck and Boost Converter Method
Authors: Ambalia, Mayuri
Keywords: Electrical 2005
Project Report 2005
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
PAS 2005
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2007
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 05MEE002
Abstract: The project is transformer less inverter using buck and boost converter method. In this project, the goal achieved is using the method of buck and boost converter. The buck converter is used in the charging circuitry. First of all, the buck converter is used to convert the rectified 230v AC to the level of battery voltage which depended upon the battery used. So when the supply is available this circuit is used to charge the battery. The next stage is the lack of supply. At that time change over will make the battery come into picture which has been charged using buck converter. Now this bucked DC voltage is boosted up to the level required and the next stage is to give that DC voltage to the inverter so that this DC voltage is converted into AC the use when required. This inverter has given good efficiency even it is compact in size so it can be used in solar applications as well as it is well used in home appliances.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PAS)

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