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Title: Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization of a Critical Component (Stationary Platen) of a Plastic Injection Molding Machine
Authors: Shukla, Dhirendra
Keywords: Mechanical 2005
Project Report 2005
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2005
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2007
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 05MME006
Abstract: Plastic are certainly most versatile of all known materials today and have therefore. Established themselves in enviable position from where are not even possible to be replaced. Injection molding machine is one of the most widely used method of conversion of plastic into various end products applicable to wide range of plastic materials from plastic commodity to Specialty engineering plastic In Injection molding machine stationary platen play a very important role. During the process generally compressive stress generates at particular regions. As load varies with fast rate there is chance to failure of tie bar rods Due to heavy mould shape, size of platen also changes, that's increase its weight as well as stress level at certain regions. Certainly this is not good in practice. This leads to failure of platen or failure of tie rod due to stretching by nut and platen. This creates loss of money (production stop), man (injured due to accident) and material (increase inventory cost). The aim of this project is study about those areas where Stress can affect the failure of tie bar and due to heavy weight of stationary platen the deflection or misalignment with movable platen. Finally redistribution of stress so that uniform stress achieves (optimization of the platen) To achieve goal of the Project approach should be reducing stress level generates during the process in higher stress areas of the part. By changing design or provide stress reducer at particular areas. Reduction Of stress is possible by removing material from those areas where stress are not much higher or affect the purpose the analysis and addition where the stresses are higher.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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