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Title: Motion Control Of Multi Link Arm In Dynamic Work Area
Authors: Virpara, Nirav Mukeshbhai
Keywords: Computer 2011
Project Report 2011
Computer Project Report
Project Report
ICT 2011
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MICT21
Abstract: In the Tokamak, the human presence is forbidden during nominal and maintenance operations due to the high levels of radiation, temperature and vacuum. Intelligent Remote handling and Robotics system hence will play an important role in performing various tasks such as remote maintenance, Inspection and Material handling. One may think of a Multi-Link Arm Robot as one of the solution as it has the capability to lift heavy material, screw, unscrew bolts etc. other than just inspection. Thus in this proposed project Motion Control Algorithm is designed and simulated for Multi-Link Arm Robot that can work in dynamic and bounded work space. During Inspection and Maintenance tasks, this Motion Control Algorithm can be implemented on Multi link arm which gives motions to the links such that it should not damage any internal parts of Tokamak.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (ICT)

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