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Title: Geometrical Prediction of Taper Roller Bearing Cage after Bulging Operation during Cage Making Process
Authors: Patel, Satishkumar G.
Keywords: Mechanical 2011
Project Report
Project Report 2011
Mechanical Project Report
Design 2011
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MMED18
Abstract: The sheet metal cage can be manufactured by three competing processes namely conventional deep drawing (DD), hydro mechanical DD, and high-pressure sheet metal forming. Sheet metal forming is basically conversion of at sheet metal into a product of desired shape without defect like fracture, excessive localized thinning and without changing Geometrical data .Taper Roller Bearing cage has been devolved by sheet metal forming operation with Hydro-pneumatic press. The project has been undertaken to investigated the effect of forming process on sheet metal and minimize the losses in geometrical data. Literature review helped to outline the methodology and permissible values of deformation. This review helped to validate the result obtain from Finite Element Analysis(FEA).FEA of the taper roller bearing sheet metal cage has been performed with help of FEA package Hyper Works. The CAD model has been developed and used for the same and the experimental data has been compared with simulation provided by the FEA Package. Design of Experiment analysis has been carried out in Minitab software .In which Regression Analysis using input variables as a Geometrical parameter and generate the equations and validate the output variables with the Actual data of Geometrical parameter. Details regarding the analysis of Hyperform, design of experiment,and experimental data are covered in this Dissertation.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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