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Title: Improvement of Surface Roughness Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing
Authors: Patel, Ridhdhishkumar J.
Keywords: Mechanical 2011
Project Report
Project Report 2011
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2011
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MMCM12
Abstract: Magnetic abrasive finishing is a process in which workpiece surface is smoothened by removing the material in the form of micro chips by abrasive particles in the presence of magnetic field in the finishing zone. The working gap between workpiece and magnet is filled with magnetic abrasive particles, composed of ferromagnetic particles and abrasive particles (MAPs). These particles form a exible magnetic abrasivebrush (FMAB) which does not require dressing. MAPs are either bonded (sintered) or unbonded. MAF offers many advantages, such as self-adaptability, controllability and the finishing tool require neither compensation nor dressing. In order to enhance grinding efficiency of the magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF)method. An experimental study is carried out to improve the surface roughness quality of the AISI 52100 steel using magnetic abrasive finishing method. A rotating coil four pole electromagnet have been designed and implemented to use with plane surfaces. An electromagnet can produce magnetic ux density 0-0.2T at 0-100V DC powder source. Four independent operation parameters namely working gap, Voltage to the electromagnet, Mesh number and Percent weight of abrasives and their effects on surface roughness have been investigated. Mixture of iron particles (Fe particles of mesh no. 300) and abrasive particles (SiC) have been prepared in different mesh number. Taguchi method have been used for relation between surface roughness with operation parameters.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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