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dc.contributor.authorGundaraniya, Hitesh-
dc.description.abstractAnaerobic digestion (AD) is a promising option for the environmentally friendly recy- cling of food waste of industry. Potato is the world's fourth important food crop after wheat, rice and maize because of its great yield potential and high nutritive value. It constitutes nearly half of the worlds annual output of all root and tuber crops. With an annual global production of about 328.87 million tonnes, potato is an economically important staple crop in both developed and developing countries. Around 18-23% of the total production is waste potato and cannot be used as food. However this waste potato can be used to generate renewable fuel using an anaerobic digestion system. The objective of this study is to characterize anaerobic biodegradation of waste potato and to compare energy production in di erent condition. Two-stage Lab scale solid- bed reactor as well as UASB and packed bed (Anaerobic Filter) reactor was used for treating a potato leachate.A solid-bed reactor having constant loading (1 Kg Waste + 8 L Water)as well as constant retention(3 day) time was applied. An important constituent of anaerobic lter is the packing media. Lab scale model was installed that were identical in every aspect except the packing media in them. The two stage anaerobic reactor was installed with ceramic saddle packing media. After working out their volume calculation and porosity, they were started and commissioned and then operated at 15, 13, 11 ,8, 5, 3 days HRT. The performance was evaluated and a comparison was made between the di erent HRT based on the performance COD removal e ciency of reactor was found greater than 85% based on the total COD of the e uent. During the operation, the Organic Loading Rate (OLR) was increased in stepwise and the 5 day Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) and maximum Biogas yield production was found around 23 L/kg Waste and electricity generation form the waste is around 0.0484 kwh/kg Waste.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectChemical 2011en_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2011en_US
dc.subjectChemical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectEPD 2011en_US
dc.subjectWaste Potatoen_US
dc.subjectTwo Stage Anaerobic Reactoren_US
dc.subjectAnaerobic Filteren_US
dc.titleClean Development Mechanism Bene ts by Installation of an Anaerobic Digestion System with Conversion of CH4 to Energyen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CH (EPD)

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