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Title: Development of Software Tool for Shortcut Estimation Of Sulphur Recovery Unit By Ortlo Technology
Authors: Menon, Mohnish M.
Keywords: Chemical 2011
Project Report
Project Report 2011
Chemical Project Report
EPD 2011
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MCHE06
Abstract: Sulphur is a naturally occurring substance in fossil fuels. When the fuels are burned, the sulphur is released as sulphur dioxide, an air pollutant responsible for many human health problems and negative impacts on environment. Environmental regulations have increasingly restricted sulphur dioxide emissions, forcing fuel processors to remove the sulphur from both fuels and exhaust gases. So today sulphur recovery unit has become an integral part of oil re neries. Various Sulphur recovery and tail gas treating options available mainly depend on the composition of feed and based on it modi cation in the process are adopted. These pro- cess modi cations signi cantly a ect the equipment sizing. Change in recovery e ciency or change in plant capacity also signi cantly a ects equipment sizing. Today in most of the EPC companies when any new project or proposal drops in from the client, the major problem they face is time constraint prior to submission of bid. To prepare budgetary proposals these companies have to depend on licensors data as well as on inputs from various engineering departments. Therefore, if a software tool is developed for Sulphur Recovery Unit projects based on historic data of same licensor the time and labour requirement could be signi cantly reduced. Data base contains data from historic projects which are used to develop correlations between capacity and comparable parameter of di erent equipments. The correlations are developed graphically in the form of best t equations. As an output, tool generates sized equipment list, utility summary, equipment weights etc. which are helpful in initial cost estimation.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CH (EPD)

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