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Title: Throughput Estimation of Advanced Ka-Ku band Multi beam Satellite for Broadband Application
Authors: Miyani, Bharat B.
Keywords: EC 2011
Project Report
Project Report 2011
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2011
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MECC09
Abstract: Satellite communications plays vital role for mankind in todays day to day life. International calls, internet, TV broadcasting etc. are possible due to satellite communication. An advanced communication satellite operates in higher frequency bands like Ku, Ka, has multiple spot beams rather than a broad beam to support more users, on board signal processor and multi- port ampli er. Satellite communication is only option for remote areas like villages, islands, dessert for communication as it is very di cult to establish terrestrial network in such areas or it is very costly. Di erent applications that can be provided through advanced communication satellite are discussed in this report. An example of how GSM backhaul can be established cost e ectively in remote areas, required data rate, power, Bandwidth to support particular number of GSM users are discussed in details in this report. The capacity of any satellite is xed and for any satellite, it is very important to know that how many users can be supported for particular ap- plication. Then it is required to estimate throughput for that application. Throughput is a term used to describe the sum of both uplink and downlink data rate. For GSM Backhaul, the uplink and downlink data rate is esti- mated based on requirement of supporting particular number of users/calls at particular GOS (Grade of Service). The rain attenuation a ects more in higher frequency band like Ku and Ka band than lower frequency band like C, L band etc. . Also, due to multi beam operation and excess movement of users among beams, power requirement in di erent beam will vary with time. To solve these problems, Multiport Ampli er will be used in satellite. The operation of MPA will always be multi carrier though there is only one carrier per beam. So, the Travelling Wave Tube Apli ers of MPA have to amplify multi carrier. The required Input Backo (IBO) for TWTAs is very important for proper com- munication. The available fade margin and required IBO for TWTA is found out from simulation results.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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