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Title: Middleware Driver Development and Testing for Set Top Box
Authors: Chauhan, Dhara I.
Keywords: EC 2011
Project Report
Project Report 2011
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2011
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MECC20
Abstract: Device driver is an interface between the operating system and the peripherals at- tached to the machine and makes the Hardware available for particular application. It is a c code that has set of instruction for sending and receiving data with the device, thus it is a software layer that lies between application and actual device. Middleware is a software layer that sites on top of (or instead of) the OS in an STB. It allows content developers to work without having to consider low-level issues for an STB e.g. Drivers, Operating System, etc. This makes it easier to write complex applications. Middleware runs between the device drivers/OS and the application literally 'in the middle' of the software stack. Application makes a call to hardware which hardware does not understands, There needs a driver which makes the hard- ware available for the application call, So application calls needs to be converted in to hardware understandable language. Middleware provides a communications bridge between the OS and the 'subscriber applications'. In this project, Analysis and Testing is done for the STB middleware drivers for the speci c application test cases provided by the customer, Identi cation of bug, and write the application for audio video playback. Middleware drivers are written depending on the Speci ca- tion provided by the customer who is middleware vendor in the market. Project task includes writing middleware driver that required Linux kernel programming, Devel- opment of playback application, executing test cycles and validating test results. To accomplish this, It is required to learn all aspects of Linux kernel programming, in detail concepts of module programming. Thus, the purpose of this project is to implement, develop and test the middleware driver for a set top box.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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