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Title: The Influence of Stabilisers on Resistance to Gamma Radiation for Epoxy based Polymeric Composite Material
Authors: Saiyad, Mamta
Devashrayee, N. M.
Mewada, R. K.
Keywords: Mechanical Properties
Electron Microscopy
Gamma Radiation
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Feb-2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Series/Report no.: ITFEC006-7
Abstract: In certain applications plastic materials are getting irradiated while in end use. High energy irradiation leads to the auto-oxidation and degradation. The primary approach for stabilization against post irradiation degradation is to use appropriate stabilisers. In this research work, an experimental analysis of the effect of dose rate of gamma irradiation on epoxy resin based samples prepared by using combinations of primary and secondary stabilisers is presented. The chemistry, reaction mechanisms and morphology changes are studied and its effect on mechanical properties is observed. The results show an improvement of mechanical strength as dose increases, indicating cross-linking over oxidative degradation.
Description: Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 57, February, 2014, Page No. 71 – 79
ISSN: 1359-8368
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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