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Title: Reservation of Resources in Advance for Job Execution in Heterogeneous Grid Environment
Authors: Gadhavi, Lata
Keywords: Job Execution
Advance Reservation of Resources
Advance Scheduling
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: IDFCE012-1
Abstract: A Grid computing has emerged as the next-generation parallel and distributed computing that aggregates dispersed heterogeneous resources for solving a range of large-scale parallel applications in science, engineering and commerce. In most Grid scheduling systems, submitted jobs are initially placed into a queue if there are no available resources. Therefore, there is no guarantee as to when these jobs will be executed. This causes problems in parallel applications, where most of them have dependencies among each other. Advance Reservation (AR) is a process of requesting resources for use at a speci c time in the future. Common resources whose usage can be reserved or requested are CPUs, memory, disk space and network bandwidth. AR for a grid resource solves the above problem by allowing users to gain concurrent access to adequate resources for applications to be executed. AR also guarantees the availability of resources to users and applications at the required times.
Description: International Journal of Computer Science And Technology (IJCST) Vol. 3 (1) Jan - Mar, 2012, Page No. 464 - 466
ISSN: 0976-8491
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, IT - IDs

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