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Title: Resource Discovery and Load Monitoring in Heterogeneous Grid Environment
Authors: Gadhavi, Lata
Keywords: Resource Discovery
Job Submission
Job Execution
Load Monitoring
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jun-2013
Publisher: PARIPEX
Series/Report no.: IDFCE012-2
Abstract: The decentralized broker selects computational re- sources based on actual job requirements, job charac- teristics, and information provided by the resources.A client is a user who submit a job to the server node. A job refers the task which is to be carried out on computational grid. Then job submitted on sched- uler and scheduler will divide a job into smaller tasks and sends that tasks to the available resources.The grid deals with large scale and ever-expanding en- vironment which contains million of users and re- sources. For this reason, resource selection has been a challenging task. This paper presents a method that achieves efficient Grid resource discovery by form- ing and maintaining autonomous resource groups and then monitoring load by using Ganglia monitoring system.
Description: PARIPEX - Indian Journal Of Research, Vol. 3 (5) June, 2005, Page No. 104 - 105
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, IT - IDs

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