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Title: Audio Compression Using Logarithmic Approach for PSNR Enhancement
Authors: Joshi, Anikkumar A
Mehta, Ashish H.
Gajjar, Nagendra
Shah, Dhaval G.
Keywords: Logarithm
Audio Compression
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: International Conference on Information, Signal and Communication, ICISC - 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFEC004-5
Abstract: With increasing needs of higher data rates, compression technology for multimedia content has become extremely crucial. This paper presents a compression technique that uses Logarithmic mathematical function for compression of audio data. This technique is characterized by its fast encoding and decoding speeds for high fidelity audio. More over the system design required for it is extremely simple and it gives comparatively higher PSNR when compared with other standards like Mp3 and G.711, rendering it to be a highly feasible option for a compression codec as well as a suitable alternative for a media container.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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