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Title: Design, Simulation and Implementation of Two Phase Interleaved bi-directional DC-DC Converter
Authors: Sutaria, Jil
Shah, Manisha T.
Chauhan, Chirag
Keywords: Bi-directional
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: May-2009
Publisher: ACEEE
Series/Report no.: ITFEE014-10
Abstract: The bi-directional DC-DC converter has many applications, such as in hybrid vehicles, solar inverters, in power supplies for microprocessors etc. A bi-directional dc-dc converter can be alternately operated as a step down converter in one direction of energy flow and as step up converter in reverse direction of energy flow, in places where both the sides have voltage sources. A high power supply using a single converter is not preferred as it leads to high ripple in output voltage and current, thus requiring large value of inductor and filter capacitor. To overcome these limitations multiphase interleaving technique is used in bi-directional DC-DC converters i.e. connecting the converters in parallel with the switching instants equally distributed among them. This paper presents the simulation and implementation of two phase bi-directional dc-dc converter.
Description: International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 1 (1), May, 2009
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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