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Title: Informed Search Techniques and Comparison based on Domain Specific Knowledge
Authors: Oza, Parita
Upadhyay, Darshana
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: International Conference ICRAES – 2010, .R. College of Engineering Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India
Series/Report no.: ITFIT011-1
Abstract: We know that many of the problems that fall within the purview of artificial intelligence are too complex to be solved by direct techniques; rather they must be attacked by appropriate search techniques armed with what ever direct techniques are available to guide the search. In this paper we explore on various general purposes informed search techniques and their comparison in detail. They are described independently for the problem of finding route on the road map. Blind search techniques applied to particular problems their efficacy is highly dependent on the way they exploit domain specific knowledge since in and of themselves they are unable to overcome the combinational explosion to which search processes are so vulnerable. For this reason these blind techniques are often called weak methods. We can have optimal and approximate solution of any AI problem using heuristic approach So, in this paper we will explore on various informed search techniques which overcomes this weakness of blind search as well as we will see comparison of all the techniques based on various factors.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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