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Title: Simulation and Development of Automatic Excitation Control for Synchronous Motor
Authors: Shah, Devansh K.
Jani, Swapnil
Keywords: Power Factor
Excitation Control
Control Card
Field Current
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Mar-2012
Publisher: IJETAE
Series/Report no.: ITFEE022-5
Abstract: Efficient usage of electrical has become a matter of focus nowadays not only in the industrial area but as well as in the area of agriculture. The synchronous motor is extensively used for the loads of constant speed, for the overall improvement of system power factor and sometimes for the voltage regulation also. In this paper, an automatic digital excitation controller with its control strategy is developed such that synchronous motor can operate over a wide range of power factors (lagging, unity or leading) by adjustment of its field excitation, and hence can be used to carry the mechanical load at constant speed and at the same time improve the power factor of the system. For that a typical test system is considered in which different cases such as open and closed loop configurations are analyzed by using software package PSIM 6.0. The proposed control is developed on the base of real time power factor detection.
Description: International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2 (3), March, 2012
ISSN: 2250 - 2459
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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