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Title: Navigation System for Wheeled Robots
Authors: Jain, Paril
Kakadiya, Dhruv
Mecwan, Akash I.
Chauhan, Mihir
Kothari, Dilip
Keywords: Navigation
Mobile Robots
Trace theTrack
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2013
Citation: International Conference on Developments in Robotics, Applied Mechatronics, Manufacturing and Automation, September 16 – 17, 2013, National Institute of Technical Teacher's Trainning and Research (NITTTR), Bhopal
Series/Report no.: ITFEC025-12
Abstract: In this era of automation, it is extremely necessary to find a cheap and accurate navigation system for wheeled robots, so as to bring them to commercial level. Several algorithms have been developed in order to calculate accurate X and Y co-ordinates of wheeled robot, where along with encoders, high cost Inertial Measurement Units have been used for error correction. In order to bring such navigation system at consumer level, where the robots will have to be produced in masses, it is not possible to implement such tedious processes on each manufactured robot. This paper is aimed at optimizing the odometry algorithm, required to convert the region of motion into a co-ordinate plane using encoders, or a combination of encoder and low cost gyroscopes. A reliable trajectory generation based solution for desired path of motion of the wheeled robots based on false virtual co-ordinate system is proposed.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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