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Title: Network Analyst for GIS
Authors: Rathore, Neha
Keywords: Network Analyst
Geographical Information System
Shortest Path Algorithm
Computer Project Report
Computer 2004
Project Report
Project Report 2004
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2006
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 04MCE017
Abstract: The Shortest Path Problem is to find the shortest distance (least cost) from a source node to all other nodes or to a subset of nodes on the Network. Dijkstra’s algorithm is best suited for finding shortest path on real road networks as it solves the single source shortest path problem on a weighted directed graph for the case in which all the edge weights are non-negative. Network analysis is one of the cornerstones of GIS functionality. In Geographic Information System, for applying shortest path algorithm on a network knowledge of shape files is required. A network and its segments are normally evaluated based on the distance or time required to travel from one node into another. The best path is, then, defined such that the total time or distance between the two nodes is at a minimum .Applying shortest path algorithm on a network is helpful in solving many problems like , it finds the best path between origin and destination over a given network of bus routes, emergency route in case of disaster, minimum distance to reach a hospital so that decisions about the path to be followed can be taken in case of emergency treatment, Best path and minimum distance to reach an education department, Community Hall ,Bank ,Police Station etc., to determine the shortest path between a defined source and destination.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE

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