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Title: Analysis and Design of a Solar Charge Controller using Cuk Converter
Authors: Makwana, Mrunal Rukeshkumar
Keywords: Electrical 2012
Project Report 2012
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
Power Electronics, Machines & Drives
PEMD 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MEEP43;
Abstract: Dynamic analysis and design of Cuk converter in parallel power transfer (PPT) configuration for solar charger controller application is presented. In this configuration Cuk converter has step down regulation therefore it is suitable for system with low battery voltage rating with high voltage PV modules. In order to extract maximum power from PV modules a modified power-current (P-I) based MPPT is used along with PWM control. In such MPPT circuit low current ripple in input is needed to track maximum power accurately. This can be satisfied by Cuk converter which has both continuous current in input and output. The simulation results are presented and analyzed to validate that the proposed simulation model is effective for MPPT control of the photovoltaic systems at rapidly changing irradiation condition. Experiment is conducted to verify the overall system performance in extracting power from PV modules.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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