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Title: Analysis and Simulation of AC Micro-grid
Authors: Desai, Harin Mayurbhai
Keywords: Electrical 2012
Project Report 2012
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
EPS 2012
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MEEE06;
Abstract: In India the need to increase the use of renewable energy sources for sustainable energy development is must. Some areas in India are the biggest distribution player and facing a heavy short fall in conventional energy and high distribution and commercial losses. The alternative way to meet the short fall in energy demand is to adopt the Distributed generation with renewable energy technologies especially at the places which have the great potential for renewable energy sources. These sources are going to play important role in economic energy development compared to conventional energy sources if the deployment of micro-grid is done. It allows the the integration of renewable energy generation and provides the quality power in absence of micro-grid. For the use of this micro grid feature the utilization of distributed energy resources has been going on. Here the effort is in developing a small micro grid for a particular area which gets supplied with utilization of renewable energy sources as a separate generation. By integrating this entire small micro grid with distributed generation reliable and sustainable energy development is done. During disturbances, the generation d corresponding loads can separate from the distribution system to isolate the micro grids load from the disturbance (providing UPS services) without harming the transmission grids integrity. This ability to island generation and loads together has a potential to provide a higher local reliability than that provided by the power system as a whole.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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