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Title: TestChip Automation
Authors: Banugara, Parth
Keywords: EC 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MECC41;
Abstract: The project deals with automation and customization of the tool used for SoC design flow management. Automation will give an efficient way to analyse SoC design flow data, FrontEnd as well as BackEnd flow, generated from different EDA tools. PinPoint is a web based tool which will provide an efficient way to analyze design data synchronized with different EDA tools. PinPoint will capture complex information and will provide an easy way to find violations from design data. SoC Encounter, ICC, Olympus, SignOff and FrontEnd flow are currently aligned with PinPoint. For different EDA tools, KPI matrices are defined on the basis of user specifications and project needs in which data is extracted from different files design files and reports. Each of these files and reports will be having different formats and our goal is to align PinPoint to extract data from design area. Data extracted from design area is presented on web based dashboard in interactive and creative way such that designer can analyze it and make modification in design accordingly to meet design constraints.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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