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Title: Development of an Intelligent Sensor Based Inspection Robot for Closed Environment
Authors: Hakani, Raj
Keywords: EC 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
EC Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MECC08;
Abstract: The Inspection of the closed environment may be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial plants, These specific operation as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Recently, in industry duct and ventilation becomes old and many inspection robots were developed in the past. Wired robots put to practical use, but they required heavy power supply. Therefore, a new inspection robot using a wireless communication system is considered useful for inspection of complex and long distance closed environment. A lot of trouble caused by air duct and ventilation like crack, leak and mechanical damage. This dissertation describes the development and implementation of inspection robot mounted with an intelligent sensor. In a closed environment, human cannot enter for inspection. So, the main goal was to develop a small inspection robot which can autonomously navigation inside closed environment and measure defect like cracks, leak, mechanical damage and places of the defects inside closed environment. It provides useful information through wireless Zigbee for maintenance. At user end another Zigbee has been received these information and use this information for displayed on GUI.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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