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Title: Effect of Oryzanol on Glaucoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hep-3b) Cell Line
Authors: Patidar, Rajesh
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00294;
Abstract: Aim and objectives: Gamma Oryzanol (OZ) is a component of rice bran oil, containing mixture of ferulic acid, esters of tri-terpene alcohol. OZ has been reported for its free radical scavenging, antiinflammatory, immunosuppressive, neuroprotective, anti-ulcer, and anti-cancer activity. The present study was undertaken to evaluate effect of OZ in acute and chronic models of glaucoma and to evaluate in-vitro cytotoxic effect of OZ in hepatocellular carcinoma using HEP3B cell lines. Material and methods: New Zealand white rabbits (either sex) were used for study. Effect of OZ and FOR-X was evaluated in 5% dextrose induced acute model of occular hypertension in rabbit eye. Chronic model of glaucoma was induced with subconjunctival injection of 5% of 0.3 ml phenol in almond oil in four different quadrants of the eye to produce scarring in the aqueous humor (AH) pathway. Treatment with OZ and FOR-X was given for next two weeks. Pilocarpine was used as a reference standard for both acute and chronic model. AH was collected from anterior chamber of rabbit eye from all groups to assess various biochemical parameters like Malondialdihyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) and nitric oxide (NO). Histopathological evaluations were performed in rabbit eye. MTT assay was performed to evaluate in-vitro cytotoxicity of OZ, FOR-X and FOR-XF using Hep-3B cell line. Results: In acute model of occular hypertension OZ and FOR-X did not produce effect on the raised intra ocular pressure (IOP). In chronic model of glaucoma treatment with OZ and FOR-X exhibited significant decrease in IOP as compared to disease control eye. Treatment with OZ and FOR-X showed significant decrease in levels of protein content (p < 0.01), MDA (p < 0.05) and NO (p < 0.05) in comparison to disease control group. SOD, GSH and CAT levels were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the aqueous humor of eye after treatment with OZ and FOR-X. In-vitro cell line studies showed improved % cell inhibition with OZ, FOR-X and FOR-XF. Conclusion: OZ and FOR-X show protective effect in glaucoma. OZ and FOR-X decrease levels of oxidative stress owning to its anti oxidant effect. These reduction in oxidative stress resulted in reduced levels of inflammatory responses which subsequently resulted in reduced IOP. The in vitro studies on Hep-3B cell line shows cytotoxic activity with OZ, FOR-X and FOR-XF.
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmacology

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