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Title: Investigation of Epidemiology and Etiology of Liver Diseases and Characterization of Its Association with Various Factors
Authors: Kotak, Kishan P.
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Clinical Pharmacy
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00314;
Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The population of Gujarat is at higher risk of facing non-alcohol related liver diseases. It becomes important therefore to be well aware of the exact scenario of burden of liver diseases in the population, and to find out its association and causes. Therefore the objective of the study is to examine etiology and epidemiology of liver diseases at a tertiary care trust hospital in Vadodara district and to characterize its association to various factors. METHODOLOGY: A tertiary care trust hospital in the city was chosen to ensure population from all sections of the society for variations and patients from every strata of disease progression. All patients having liver diseases are identified. Various patient details like social background, demography, family history, social and medical history were reported. Causes of developing the condition are tried to be found out and various complications associated with the disease are looked upon. The treatment given and the laboratory reports of various tests at different times during admission periods are also noted down and clinically co-related with patient conditions. RESULTS: 137 cases of liver diseases were reported. Most of these cases were cases of non- alcoholic liver diseases with alcoholic cases comprising of 25% of total cases. Around 20% of all cases are due to viral infection. Majority of cases were male (77.77%). More than 80% patients are above the age of 40. Urban populations are more susceptible to liver diseases. Monsoon is related to higher incidences of viral diseases. A general rise in liver diseases was observed in festive months is observed. Majority of patients admitted during the study period were of liver cirrhosis (33% cases), followed by Liver Parenchymal Diseases (LPD) which is inclusive of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD), Chronic Liver Disease (CLD) and fatty liver (nearly 25%). Diabetes and CVS disorders are most correlated comorbidities with 24% and 19.3% prevalence respectively.
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmacology

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