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Title: Interactive Augmented Reality (IAR) Based Application for Controlling Robotic Arm
Authors: Vyas, Daiwat Amit
Keywords: Computer 2012
Project Report 2012
Computer Project Report
Project Report
ICT 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MICT53;
Abstract: This thesis introduces a fiducial marker based Augmented Reality (AR) system that combines recent tracking and detection techniques for AR visualization for controlling robotic arm. In this examination venture, characteristic tracking techniques are incorporated to compute the relative camera position from target for accurate and exact registration of virtual objects in augmented scene. Interactive Augmented Reality (IAR) based application for controlling Robotic arm is an approach for simplifying control and execution of robotic arm for inspection. Aim is to develop a system which integrates Augmented Reality features with real world to help the operator to effectively control robotic arm in any environment with augmented visual feedback. The basic aim of developing an IAR system is to mix the real and virtual information in order to provide an augmented view of the remote scene that provides more information than a simple video could offer in order to provide more assistance to remote operator. The proposed system improves robotic operator performance by enabling the robotic arm operator to easily test and deploy the arm in realtime environment with help of augmented view with various scenarios. Also, effectiveness of system designs can be tested in real-time environments without expensive implementations or additional expensive devices.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (ICT)

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