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Title: Optimization of LOCM for Open Source LMS
Authors: Modi, Varun
Keywords: Computer 2012
Project Report 2012
Computer Project Report
Project Report
ICT 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MICT29;
Abstract: MOOC and eLearning are the latest buzzwords in the educational domain. The education sector has become the last frontier in this new age digital revolution. With more and more universities opting for putting up parts or whole of their course modules online for students to access, there has been an increasing trend towards adoption of learning management systems(LMS) and course management systems(CMS) for better structuring, organization, presentation and management of the content Learning objects are a contemporary way of looking at learning content. These are characterized with many properties which include reusability, self-containment, aggregation and metadata. Learning object content models (LOCM) define content components at different levels, their properties and the aggregation techniques to be used for them. It being a relatively new sphere, only a handful of LOCMs exist as of now. In this dissertation, we aim to optimize one of the existing LOCM to increase its usability and reusability and to further its adaptability for the Indian education sector. This would help in presenting a more customized framework for home-grown open source Learning Management Systems, taking into account the various complications arising out of the unique local characteristics and usage patterns.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (ICT)

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