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Title: Pre-Sales Modules in IT for Analysis & Development
Authors: Kudal, Ankur
Keywords: Computer 2012
Project Report 2012
Computer Project Report
Project Report
ICT 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MICT10;
Abstract: Pre-sales modules play a major role in the growth of a company. In any big organization they developed their own applications to do analysis of business. So from these applications it is easy to find out the interest of customers for the products of the company. Using these modules a company can estimates its business as well as targets those customers which are giving frequent business. Some of the modules are used for business analysis like which customer is giving how much amount of business on quarterly basis and these modules also give statistics of business in upcoming years for each customer. This module also calculates how many times a customer is visited in a week and how much business given by them. These modules can also be used to enhance the business by providing samples of the products. User can order online for free e-samples. This module helps both company and user; user can test the samples before giving order in bulk and company also get benefit by promoting their new products and taking feedbacks on products from the users. These modules also facilitate the users and the distributers to manage their work faster and with more accuracy. For an example like from distributor requirement planning (DRP) it is to manage both orders of the customer as well as the production on per site of company.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (ICT)

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