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Title: Optimization of Performance Parameters and Combustion Analysis of CI Engine Fuelled with Bio-diesel, Additive and Diesel
Authors: Desai, Jay R.
Keywords: Mechanical 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
Mechanical Project Report
Thermal 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MMET07;
Abstract: The increasing industrialization and motorization of the world has led to a steep rise for the demand of petroleum-based fuels. Petroleum-based fuels are obtained from limited reserves. These finite reserves are highly concentrated in certain regions of the world. Therefore, those countries not having these resources are facing energy/foreign exchange crisis, mainly due to the import of crude petroleum. Hence, it is necessary to look for alternative fuels which can be produced from resources available locally within the country such as bio-diesel. Biodiesel is methyl or ethyl ester of fatty acid made from virgin or used vegetable oils (both edible and non-edible) and animal fat. Just like petroleum diesel, biodiesel operates in compression ignition (diesel) engine, and essentially require very little or no engine modifications because biodiesel has properties similar to mineral diesel. Bio-diesel has a very promising performance to be used as an alternative for the diesel. The use of bio-diesel leads to the substantial reduction in particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbons (HC), and CO emissions accompanying with the imperceptible power loss, the increase in fuel consumption and the increase in NOX emission on conventional diesel engines with no or fewer modifications. In the present study, effect of varying compression ratio, injection timing and injection pressure on the bio-diesel performance has been given. This paper also presents the tribological investigation of the bio-diesel on the different components of the CI engine. The literature review regarding the performance characteristics and wear behavior has been given.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Thermal)

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