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Title: Development of Vertical Trimming and Beading Machine
Authors: Patel, Devansh
Keywords: Mechanical 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MMCC19;
Abstract: Sheet metal components requires finishing at the edges for aesthetics and safety purpose. Trimming of edges is been carried out with a trimming tool. Beading operation is also carried out to impart safety and stiffness at the edges. The aim of project is to reduce the operational time of trimming and beading process. At present in many sheet metal industry the operations are performed separately on different machines which require more man power, set up time, and machines. If these op- erations are performed simultaneously we can save the operational time as well as handling time. This project is aimed at reduction of operation time by developing a vertical trimming and beading machine to perform these operations simultaneously. A vertical trimming and beading machine has been conceptually developed and de- signed to perform the operations. It has a trimming unit and beading unit rested on a bench type structure. A provision is made to rotate and clamp the component while the operations are being performed. The machine is pneumatically actuated to give motion and required forces for the operations. This machine will help to improve productivity by 33 percentage.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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