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Title: Design & analysis of Bi-Drum Boiler
Authors: Girach, Ayaz Mohammedhesenbhai
Keywords: Mechanical 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 12MMCC06;
Abstract: High pressure boilers can be classified as single drum and bi-drum boilers. In early days, the Sterling boilers had four drums, one at the bottom and three at the top interconnected by a bank of tubes. Later as the boiler technology advanced in capacity and pressure, they switched over to bi-drum and single drum design. The present day bi-drum boilers are designed for high pressure, flow, and temperature. Modern day bi-drum boilers are used both for power generation and process steam generators. The work presented consists of two parts, viz. 1. Design of Bi-Drum boiler (Working Pressure 11.25 kg/cm2 (1.103 MPa) and Evaporation Capacity 12000 kg/Hr) 2. Stress analysis of main pressure parts of Bi-Drum boiler The works included in the 1st part consists design of bi-drum boiler based on Indian Boiler Regulation-2010. In this, the design of pressure parts i.e. steam drum, mud drum, bank tube assembly, downcomer, riser, bedcoil assembly and water wall assembly are presented according the guideline of IBR. The work included in 2nd part consists of analysis of main pressure parts i.e. dished head, steam drum and mud drum. Velocity analysis of flue gas in the vicinity of bank tubes with two different arrangements is also carried out.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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