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Title: Automatic Storage And Retrieval System For Cylinder Storage In Printing Industry Using Vertical Carousel
Authors: Vasant, Jaynish H.
Keywords: Mechanical 2012
Project Report
Project Report 2012
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2014
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MMCM17;
Abstract: Continues change in demands of customer has lead to improvements in technology. Wide range of products has increased the importance and need for storage systems. Mass production, reduction of inventory, workers safety, easy retrieval has shown the necessity of storage systems. The importance and popularity of Carousel systems is increasing in industries because of its high storage and retrieval. As floor space is much occupied, and Companies require constant performance and accuracy in terms of picking of order, carousels are very essentials for the company. In printing industry, lots of cylinders like rubber cylinders, engraved cylinders are being kept or stored on floor while they are not in use. Hence this occupies floor space and causing stock inaccuracy. Here, in N-Flex systems, cylinders are being stored on the floor. Thus floor is occupied and it becomes very difficult for the worker to search for the required cylinder and takes much time to recognise it. Hence in order to locate the cylinders systematically and increasing stock accuracy, carousel is used to solve the above problem as well to utilize vertical space. In the present study, introduction to various carousel has been given. The literature review related to carousel storage system is shown whose aim is to improve management, time reduction for the worker to identify the correct cylinder, improving stock accuracy and saving floor space. A conceptual design of carousel has been done. Analytical methodology has been done according to standards and various calculations are done. Programming for retrieval of cylinders is done in Logix software using PLC by creating a ladder diagram.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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