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Title: Parametric Study Of Base Isolated Building With Eccentricity In Super Structure With Various Location Of Base Isolators
Authors: Thakkar, Sonal
Assudani, Jay
Keywords: Base Isolated Structure
Centre of Mass
Centre of Isolators
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jun-2014
Publisher: PRJ Publication
Series/Report no.: ITFCL025-7;
Abstract: An attempt is made to understand the behavior of base isolated building with varying percentage of mass eccentricity. Different variants of lead rubber bearing base isolated three storey was taken and various distribution of isolators was studied. The asymmetry was obtained by use of different percentage of stiffness of base isolators and four asymmetric distribution of isolators (CI = ±CM and CI = ±0.5 CM) were considered for 5 %, 10% and 15% of mass eccentricity in super structure. The paper tries to analyze best possible placement of isolators so that balance is achieved between torsional moment and displacement.
Description: International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), Vol. 4 (2), June, 2014, Page No. 30-40
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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