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Title: Resistance Of Geopolymer Concrete With Fly Ash and Slag To Sulphate And Acid Attack
Authors: Thakkar, Sonal
Ambaliya, Rajesh
Gor, Rutvij
Keywords: Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete
GGBFS Geopolymer Concrete
Control Concrete
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jun-2014
Publisher: PRJ Publication
Series/Report no.: ITFCL025-8;
Abstract: This paper presents the study carried out on fly ash and slag based geopolymer concrete under sulphate and acid attack. Both types of geopolymer concretes and control concrete made from Ordinary Portland cement were subjected to 5% Sodium sulphate and 5% sulphuric acid solution and results were compared with control concrete. From the results, it can be concluded that geopolymer concrete undergoes very less change in compressive strength and hence durability under acid attack and sulphate attack of geopolymer concrete is much superior as compared to control concrete which suggests good applicability in field.
ISSN: 2248- 9428
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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