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Title: Automatic Reactive Power Control Using FC-TCR
Authors: Gayakwad, Dhruvang R.
Mehta, Chintan
Desai, Samir P.
Keywords: Firing Angle
TCR- Thyristor Controlled Reactor
SVC – Static VAR Compensator
FC – Fix Capacitor
APFC – Automatic Power Factor Correction
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2014
Series/Report no.: ITFEE026-4;
Abstract: A fixed capacitor-thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCR) type of power factor compensator with different series R-L load is analyzed using an approximate circuit. The variation of reactive power and power factor before and after compensation is examined. The simulation is carried out in PSIM software for 3-phase 440 volt. The close loop control is possible for different load condition. Automatic firing angle is adjusted such that minimum VAR taken from the supply & power factor is maintain near to unity.
Description: International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, Vol. 4 (2) Issue (15), June, 2014, Page No. 476-480
ISSN: 2249-7277
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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