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Title: Web Mining: Opinion and Feedback Analysis for Educational Institutions
Authors: Verma, Jai Prakash
Patel, Bankim
Patel, Atul
Keywords: Web Mining
Opinion Analysis
Feedback Summarization
Sentiment Analysis
k-mean Clustering
Recommendation System
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Series/Report no.: ITFCA007-3;
Abstract: Big amount of data available in the forms of reviews, opinions, feedbacks, remarks, comments, observations, clarifications, and explanations that require a robust mechanism to store, retrieve, analyze, and management. In this paper, we are proposing system that provides review or summary of above mention text data available on web for an educational institute. Due to big data size above system can be extended as real time recommendation system for Big Data analysis as future enhancement.
Description: International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 84 (6) December, 2013, Page No. 17-22
ISSN: 0975-8887
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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