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Title: Optimized Data Aggregation Protocol in WSN for Automation of Water Sprinklers
Authors: Oza, Parita
Sharma, Priyanka
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Series/Report no.: ITFIT011-3;
Abstract: The paper aims to identify an efficient data aggregation protocol and further enhance it for achieving better network life time also to use this aggregation protocol for automation of an application like automation of water sprinklers. Among various data aggregation techniques cluster-based data aggregation approach is chosen. This paper also represents a simulation based comparison of two variants of a Wireless sensor network protocol viz. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy and Centralized Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. Simulation is through Network Simulator 2.34. Network lifetime, Energy consumed and data received at BS have been used as comparison matrices. This paper also presents working of humidity sensor to measure humidity into the soil. Arduino Diecimila Microcontroller with Processor Atmega168 is used to make humidity sensor. Readings for dry and wet soil are taken using this humidity sensor.
Description: International Journal of Computer Science & Communication (IJCSC), Vol. 5 (1), March - September, 2014, Page No. 46 - 50
ISSN: 0973-7391
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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