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Title: Performance Evaluation of Ad-Hoc on-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol and its Multi-Path Variant AOMDV
Authors: Oza, Parita
Shah, Pooja
Keywords: AODV
Ad hoc Network
Ad hoc Routing
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Series/Report no.: ITFIT011-4;
Abstract: This paper represents a simulation based comparison of two variants of a MANET routing protocol viz. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector. Simulation is through Network Simulator 2.35. Packet delivery ratio, average end to end delay and throughput have been used as comparison matrices. Simulation results shows, that AOMDV performs almost equivalent to AODV in terms of Packet Delivery Fraction. The study also proves that for the given scenario AODV will be a better choice for a time-constrained network application.
Description: International Journal of Computer Science & Communication (IJCSC), Vol. 5 (1), March - September, Page No. 51 - 53
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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