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Title: Simulators for Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Gajjar, Sachin
Dasgupta, Kankar
Sarkar, Mohanchur
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network Simulators
Comparative Survey
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Proceedings of International Conference on Electroncs, Communicaiton and Information Technology, Thapar University, 2013, Page No. 526-534
Series/Report no.: ITFEC020-22;
Abstract: In research, simulation is a basic tool to compare and assess performance of different protocols. In industrial design, it is used for performance analysis and identification of bottlenecks of the system before actual deployment. As with the other networks simulation has become the tool of preference for an increasing number of Wireless Sensor Network researchers (WSN). Unfortunately number of users of simulators has increased but number of simulation studies has not. This paper surveys different simulators for WSN. The selection of the simulators for the survey is based on their attractiveness among research community, results published in literature, noteworthy characteristics and features. The survey work aims to assist researchers and network system developers in selection of an apt simulation tool for their work based on requirements of the system and strengths and weaknesses of the simulation tool.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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