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Title: Repression of oxalic acid – mediated mineral phosphate solubilization in rhizospheric isolates of klebsiella pneumoniae by succinate
Authors: Rajput, Mahendrapal singh
G., Naresh Kumar
Rajkumar, Shalini
Keywords: Klebsiella
Mineral phosphate solubilization
Oxalic acid
Glyoxylate Shunt
Catabolite Repression
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Two strains of Klebsiella (SM6 and SM11) were isolated from rhizospheric soil that solubilized mineral phosphate by secretion of oxalic acid from glucose.Activities of enzymes for periplasmic glucose oxidation (glucose dehydrogenase) and glyoxylate shunt (isocitrate lyase and glyoxylate oxidase) responsible for oxalic acid production were estimated. In presence of succinate,phosphate solubilization was completely inhibited, and the enzymes glucose dehydrogenase and glyoxylate oxidase were repressed. Significant activity of isocitrate lyase, the key enzyme for carbon flux through glyoxylate shunt and oxalic acid production during growth on glucose suggested that it could be inducible in nature, and its inhibition by succinate appeared to be similar to catabolite repression.
Description: 195:81–88 DOI 10.1007/s00203-012-0850-x
ISSN: 0302-8933
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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