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Title: Determining the reversible potentials of hydro alcoholic extracts of Eclipta alba in boric acid induced male accessory reproductive organ toxicity
Authors: Seshadri, Sriram
Nair, Pooja
Purandhar, Kaveri
Prajapati, Bhumika
Rajput, Parth
Jena, Prasant Kumar
Keywords: Boric acid
Reproductive Toxicity Reversal
Accessory reproductive organs
Plant Extract
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2014
Publisher: The Journal of Toxicology and Health Ph ton
Abstract: Boric acid administration has been reported to have detrimental effect on testes, specifically Sertoli cells along with liver and kidney in rats. In the present investigation, the accessory male eproductive organs were studied to determine the boric acid induced toxicity. Boric acid was orally administered to male Wistar rats. It induced severe male reproductive toxicity along with serum as well as seminal plasma biochemical parameters alterations. The most notable changes that occurred were extensive morphological changes in the accessory male reproductive organs such as shrinkage of the epididymis and prostate. Boric acid induced a high oxidative stress on epididymis and prostate. Seminal vesicles were partly affected. Following the plant extract treatment, complete reversal at hormonal level and almost all the altered parameters were reversed. The altered morphological changes of epididymis as well as protate also showed signs of recovery. Hence, boric acid does induce severe toxicity in accessory reproductive organs and this toxicity can be reversed on administration of the Eclipta alba extract. The study can be further carried out at the genetic level.
Description: 104 (2014) 381-394
ISSN: 2294-7439
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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