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dc.contributor.authorParikh, Vishal-
dc.contributor.authorNarmawala, Zunnun-
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Computer Science & Communication (IJCSC), Vol. 5 (1), March - September, 2014, Page No. 74 - 79en_US
dc.description.abstractPeer-to-peer file sharing using network coding for Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is becoming increasingly popular. However, the transmission of file is very challenging because of the time-varying and unreliable wireless channels, no end-to-end connectivity, and system performance in terms of throughput, reliability, link stress and frequent peer join and leave so higher churn. Because of such open issues present in any DTN, It is very difficult to meet the requirement to improve system performance for higher throughput, good reliability and frequent peer joining or leaving. It is easy to apply network coding in peer-to-peer networks are for two reasons: 1. In peer-to-peer network, the topology is not fixed. So, it is very much easier to create the topology which suits the network coding; 2. Peer-to-peer network every nodes are end hosts, so it is easier to perform the complex operation related to network coding like decoding and encoding rather than storing and forwarding the message. This paper has considered number of theoretical and practical scenarios where network coding or its variant is applied on peer-to-peer file sharing based on Network coding with the aim to improve performance parameters like throughput and reliability. This paper has mainly focused on the comparative analysis of peer-topeer file sharing using Random Linear Network Coding.en_US
dc.subjectNetwork Codingen_US
dc.subjectRandom Linear Network Codingen_US
dc.subjectOverlay Networken_US
dc.subjectPeer-to-peer Networken_US
dc.subjectDelay Tolerant Networken_US
dc.subjectComputer Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleA Survey on Peer-to-Peer File Sharing using Network Coding in Delay Tolerant Networksen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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