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Title: A review on Oral Osmotically Driven Systems.
Authors: Mehta, Tejal
Patel, Kunal
Keywords: Osmotic pumps
Semipermeable membrane
Osmotic agent
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IJPPS publishes
Series/Report no.: IPFP0112;
Abstract: In recent years, oral controlled release (CR) system is most acceptable dosage form by the patients. Drugs having short biological half-life and poor water solubility are the suitable candidate for development of CR system. Research revealed that conventional matrix or reservoir type formulations exhibits bioavailability issues due to gastric pH variations and is also affected by the hydrodynamic conditions of the body. Introduction of Osmotically controlled oral drug delivery systems (OCDDS) overcame these issues. OCDDS utilize osmotic pressure for controlled delivery of active agent(s). Drug delivery from these systems is independent of the physiological factors of the gastrointestinal tract and these systems can be utilized for systemic as well as targeted delivery of drugs. The release of drug(s) from osmotic systems follows zero order. It is mainly governed by various formulation factors such as solubility and osmotic pressure of the core component(s), size of the delivery orifice, and nature of the rate-controlling membrane. The present review highlights an overview of OCDDS. Further, the challenges of these technologies and its future perspective are also discussed at length.
Description: International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 3, 2013
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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