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Title: Simulation And Hardware Implementation Of Protection System For High Power Inverters Using Fpga Controller
Authors: Shah, Harshil
Jani, Swapnil
Choudhary, D. M.
Keywords: Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: May-2014
Publisher: Seek Digital Library
Citation: International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology - ICAET 2014, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, California, May 2014, Page No. 683 - 687
Series/Report no.: ITFEE022-8;
Abstract: These topic illuminates to develop the protection system for high power inverters using FPGA(field programmable gate array) software. The current system consist of thyristor for the high power inverters and according to the simulation results hardware implementation is done with FPGA controller board. For the reference values for FPGA code generation, one power circuit can be developed with ZCD circuit, according to the result of the power circuit FPGA controller will work in such a way that if any fault occurs in the system then the system will be protected. FPGA board can be interface with the hardware and in software of FPGA program can be developed for the feedback of the protection system. However the system which can be developed in hardware or power circuit can be modify also with other power ratings and according to that FPGA controller will work and the system for the protection of the high power inverters can be easily implemented.
ISBN: 978-1-63248-028-6
ISSN: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-028-6-02-103
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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