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Title: Data Privacy and Security using Web Services
Authors: Datt, Rajan
Soni, Varshisth
Patel, Nimisha
Shah, Rushabh
Keywords: Web Service
Digital Certificate
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Apr-2012
Publisher: IJETAE
Series/Report no.: ITFCA011-2;
Abstract: Internet has become a powerful tool for communication and transferring the data between the two parties across the world. Private data or other important information are being exchanged between two parties which has changed the way of communicating. But along with the advantage, the main disadvantage of this capability is that it is not secure, it means it exposes these resources to information leakage, malicious invasion by hackers, and results into the loss of information or misuse of important information and also causes damage due to software viruses. This risk can be overcome by the intelligent use of web services that allows to send the data privately and also imposes data security on it. This paper tells about how the data can be made secured using various methods provided by web services and by comparing the techniques. It also includes the basic 3 main components of security, First Authentication which results in a security token that conveys both the identity of the requestor so we can easily find out the person who has requested for the data as well as provides the trust level of the identification technology. Second, Authorization which determines what objects are accessible by a user given his identity token, request, role, context, and privileges. Thus, we can easily secure the data by giving the access to only the authorised person and by preventing the unauthorised person. Third, Federation means using both direct and indirect trust, addresses the problem of how identity, once legally established in one trust domain, can be reliably
Description: International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2(4), April 2012, Page No. 515-519
ISSN: 2250-2459
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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